Maternité Sainte Thérèse Paris


The management, staff and surgeons at the Clinique Sainte-Thérèse are committed to a daily quest for medical excellence, striving to provide each patient with personalised care, sympathetic support and, above all, optimum quality of care in a context of maximum safety.

In addition to the technical and scientific skills of our medical and paramedical teams, and our highly technical premises and equipment, everyone involved in your care knows how important it is to be involved in a process of continuous quality improvement and risk management, whether associated with care or not.

Why risk management in healthcare establishments?

Risk management is "a process that enables the identification, control and evaluation of risks that have caused or could cause harm to patients, visitors, professionals or the property of the healthcare establishment". The Clinique Sainte-Thérèse pursues an active policy of continuous improvement in the quality of its services, including the quality of care, and the control and management of risks associated with care or otherwise.

In particular, this involves

  • better defining and organising personalised care pathways, with patients being asked to participate in and support their care,
  • coordinating and summarising information from vigilance and undesirable events, and analysing it using standardised tools and methods such as CREX (Comité de Retour D'Expérience), RMM (Revue de Mortalité Morbidité) and REMED (Revue d'Erreur Médicamenteuses),
  • Incorporate patient complaints and the experience and knowledge of professionals into this system by drawing up a priori risk maps,
  • use a representation of our activities and management by process (in line with the ISO 9001 philosophy).

An organisational structure has been put in place, with two bodies playing a key role: the CME (Conférence Médicale d'Etablissement) and the CRIVI (Comité des Risques et des Vigilances).


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Maternité Sainte Thérèse

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Maternité Sainte Thérèse

9, rue Gustave Doré
75017 Paris

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Sustainable development

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our CSR approach is transversal, operational and aims to be as close as possible to the field.
Organ Donation

Organ and Blood Donations

More than 14400 patients who need an organ transplant every year. The main obstacle to transplantation is the persistent lack of available organs.